Professor Andries Jacob Brink, FRCP (London), FACC (USA), Dr Sc Med, Stellenbosch
29 August 1923 ‒ 17 October 2012

It is with great regret that we announce the death of our Editor-in-Chief, Prof Andries Brink, former Dean of the Medical Faculty and Head of Cardiology at Tygerberg Hospital, University of Stellenbosch and previously the President of the South African Medical Research Council.

Prof Brink was among the modern pioneers who brought South African cardiology to the attention of the worldwide medical community. He achieved this through his own original research and later in his career by creating opportunities for others to conduct research which enhanced patient care throughout our Continent.

In South Africa, he was a founder of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Stellenbosch; first President of the South African Medical Research Council and a driving force in establishing the South African Heart Foundation.

He contributed further to the development and subsequent success of more than 25 organisations including the South African Medical and Dental Council, the South African Council for Scientific Research (CSIR), the Prime Minister’s Scientific Advisory Council and the Council of the University of Stellenbosch.

Prof Brink’s many achievements were recognised by academic institutions, professional organisations and societies. These honours included an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Stellenbosch, the Havenga Prize from the Suid Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, the Claude Leon Harris Merit Award, the SA Decoration for Meritorious Service and the Wellcome Trust Gold Medal.

Throughout his career, Prof Brink was a prolific author of many widely cited scientific papers. Additionally, he was a passionate believer in the academic development of Afrikaans as a modern medical language. After more than two decades of intense work, this resulted in the publication with co-workers of the authoritative Woordeboek van Afrikaanse Geneeskundeterme, which at last provided healthcare professionals and patients with the medical terminology which is now commonly used throughout South Africa.

More recently Prof Brink dedicated himself to bringing cardiology in Africa to a global audience. As always he led from the front. In 1990, he founded the Cardiovascular Journal of South Africa which he was determined should be “world class”. As a result of the standards he set, the Journal achieved full Medline recognition within 10 years. Then, as South Africa became a member of the African cardiology community, Prof Brink with the support of the Pan African Society for Cardiology opened this Journal to the Continent, creating another unique contribution to the development of medical education in Africa.

For nearly seven decades, Prof Brink’s tireless energy, dedication to scientific excellence and innovative spirit inspired generations of cardiologists. This Journal will always be immensely proud to be one of the unique achievements of this remarkable man.

The Editors and Editorial Team
18 October 2012
andries brink

Professor Andries Jacob Brink
FRCP (London), FACC (USA), Dr Sc Med, Stellenbosch

29 August 1923 ‒ 17 October 2012

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