Cardiovascular Journal of Africa: Vol 24 No 9 (October/November 2013) - page 59

CARDIOVASCULAR JOURNAL OF AFRICA • Vol 24, No 9/10, October/November 2013
taking progesterone capsules (100 mg/pill) twice a day for
five consecutive days, from the 20th day of the cycle, and the
menstrual cycle and flow had returned to normal. Eight days
prior to admission, the patient had taken progesterone capsules
for five consecutive days.
A physical examination on admission revealed a temperature
of 36.8°C, a pulse of 78 beats/min, respiration of 20/min and
blood pressure of 110/70 mmHg. The lungs were clear to
auscultation bilaterally. There was no expanding heart border or
murmur at the valve auscultation areas, and the heart sounds were
blunt. On admission, an electrocardiogram (ECG) displayed a
sinus rhythm of 67 beats/min, ST-segment elevation in leads V1–
V3, and inverted symmetric T waves in leads V4–V6 (Fig. 2). The
laboratory tests showed the following: serum troponin I, 11.62
Fig. 1. An ECG six months prior to admission. Indication: sinus rhythm, normal ECG.
Fig. 2. The ECG at the time of admission. Indication: sinus rhythm, acute anterior myocardial infarction, inverted T
wave in leads V4–V6.
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